Autumn's Ayurvedic Wisdom

As the golden hues pepper our landscape, we see our energies drawing inwards, and we prepare to store up our resources for the colder months ahead. Ayurvedically, this is the season of Vata (air), where our constitutions can become dry and brittle, and our circulatory system begins to draw blood away from the limbs and towards the core organs to support this seasonal shift. To bring us back into balance, it is a good idea to stoke your inner fire (rekindle your pitta) and invite the earth element (kapha) to ground the unearthed Vata energies. Before doing so, remember that if you know that you are naturally more Pitta and Kapha in your constitution, then it may be an easier transition for you this fall. Here are a couple of tips and tricks to help everyone, no matter your constitution:

  • Warming spices like cinnamon increase circulation which is important during this time

  • Warming spices and foods also help to stoke the inner fire bringing your pitta energy back and improving digestion, which can be challenged in this season. These foods can include cardamom, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, turmeric, star anise and fennel, among others.

  • Stay extra hydrated with teas, soups, stews and porridge (warming foods and drinks) to counteract the natural tendency towards cracking, dryness and brittle hair, nails and skin.

  • Healthy fats like avocado, coconut oil and nut oils such as almond, cashew, macadamia help the body to lock in our moisture. Ingesting such oils or applying them to the skin are both great ways to receive the nourishing benefits.

  • Skin brushing is a lovely way to stimulate circulation and brush off the dryness

  • Ashwagandha is a great supplement to add to your diet in the fall as it has digestive strengthening and moistening properties for the body (available in our Chai Ritual blend)

  • Get outside everyday! Give your body a chance to acclimatize with its own internal intelligence

  • Get lots of sleep! When your body is in a transition, it needs the extra reset time. Be mindful of allowing rest to be a priority for you and the whole family.

  • Yoga has a very calming effect on the Vata dosha. It provides warmth, stability and focus. If you have a yoga practice, add alternate nostril breathing to support more groundedness.

  • Simmer cinnamon sticks in water on the stove! The scent of fall is sweeter when you invite all your senses into the picture.

  • Spend more time with your loved ones. Taking a moment to let your gratitude seep in for all the ways you’ve cultivated and grown this year.

Sheniz Wilkie